For those of you still adjusting to the many changes Microsoft implemented into Windows Server 2019 and many more implemented into Microsoft Windows Server 2019, one of them might be as it is for me and still is, the fact you cannot simply manage Microsoft Active Directory from a domain member server. Over the years I had just become very accustomed to clicking o nthe start button whilst on any member server then start then run then entering dsa.msc in the run field and click open. dsa.msc would open Microsoft Active Directory Users and Computers. I could then change a password or check on group membership quickly for a user or any other admin reasons for opening Active Directory Users and Computers. With 2008 and 2008 R2, remote administration tools have to be installed on the member server first. That feature was in 2003 by default. The feature to Manage Microsoft 2008 AD From Remote Member Server has to be added as a feature.
For more detailed instructions on how to add the feature of managing AD users and computers from a remote member server. Please see the following post Manage Active Directory Users and Computers from a member server remotely. The post has images, a short description of how to enable managing active directory users and computers form another server in the domain. The result will be similar to using dsa.msc in windows 2003 and 2008.
Remote control software is synonymous with remote support software. The change slowly occurred as the way information technology support has changed so much hover the last decade or two. There has been such an increase in remote control and remote support that it would be nearly impossible to perform support as we know it today without such software. Another evolution has been cloud services which I believe has just been an extension or continuation of managed services.

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