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Computer Remote Control for Tech Support on The Web

Computer desktop, server, and peripheral support and assistance.

2008 R2 RDS Xenapp 6 Fundamentals Terminal Server Listener Stack was Down.

By Tech Support at 2012-03-10 13:56:49

Terminal Server listener stack was down. The relevant status code was: System cannot find the file specified

XenApp Fundamentals 6.0

Xenapp 6, Xenapp Fundamentals

I had a Xenapp Fundamentals installation that would not complete. The installer would fail for one reason or another. I was also on with Citrix support for xenapp and they could not figure out the cause. It was horrifying as one day led to another and still it would not install.

Xenapp Fundamentals Error Installing : Terminal Server listener stack was down - VM on VMware ESXi 5

The installation consisted on a single Xenapp server virtual machine on a newly installed Vmware 5.0 host. one of two HP DL 380 servers with more than adequate RAM, shared storage drive space with another vmware host, and plenty of CPUs and available cycles. It took 5 servers before it worked. I would not have had to get to five different virtual servers and not to mention going back to snapshots to get this to work if Citrix did not use an excuse the operating system updates are causing the problem or the OS service pack or the lack of updates. They could not find the cause and reason why Xenapp fundamentals 6.0 would not install on a clean server computer.

RDS Terminal Server Listener Stack error - Event ID 1035

Windows 2008 R2 RDS Listener stack was down

If they just looked a little deeper, and I must say the last support person I had from Citrix support at least gave it a great try. The first two or three just looked for an out. They really did not care to go deep diving and find the problem or think out of the box and try something other than what read off of the list of things posted for Xenapp fundamental installation issues.

RDS Terminal Server for Xenapp Fundamentals Event ID 1035 - Solution Found

After so many tries and retries, 5 virtual servers in the end and countless reverts to snapshots, the simple fix for the Xenapp 6 Fundamentals installation was simply adding the local server (the xenapp server) into the Terminal Server computer group on the local server (the Xenapp server). So the adding the server's name into the domain terminal servers group did not help, it had to be in the local terminal servers group. Additionally, I set the license server name in the RDS Host configuration console and not allow for auto-discovery of terminal server license servers. I specified the license servers by name.


A Useful Way To Provide Tech Support: Requiring tech support is an unavoidable event that can be aided by remote control software that enabled tech support teams and help-desks to remote into computers, servers, and networks to help end-users and administrators.

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By navon wolf at 2020-06-18 23:03:46
Please make sure that the information you provide is highly reliable. Because there will be a lot of people interested in the issues you mention. io games
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By Samuel Darden at 2019-01-15 03:44:44
Citrix Systems, Inc. announces this notice of status change for several releases in the Citrix XenApp product line. armor games com
By yon von rhinehardt at 2013-04-06 12:18:35
Add the terminal server (Citrix server) into the group in domain level active directory.
By robert martin at 2012-10-11 09:48:37
Hi. How do i add the local server in to the terminal service computer group on the local server? Can you give me the steps please.

By robert martin at 2012-10-11 09:41:36
Hi. How do i add the local server in to the terminal service computer group on the local server? Can you give me the steps please.

By yon von rhinehardt at 2012-05-12 06:34:59
thanks, this really helped a lot.
I had two Xenapp 6.5 server that would not install for the same reason. I'm glad I found your post.



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